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Sleep Survey

Allen J. Salem M.D., F.C.C.P.


As I was finishing my fellowship nearly three decades ago, I asked one of my professors, "How does one succeed as a physician in the real world?" He told me, passion for your profession and compassion for your patients will lead to success. Indeed, this has held absolutely true.

My time in Idaho Falls can only be described as extraordinary. Arriving in 2011, as the only recently trained and board-certified pulmonologist and sleep specialist, I found the need for my services enormous. I have been able to build excellent relationships with the providers, staff, and  Mountain View Hospital, soon to include, full service, state of the art hospital Idaho falls Community Hospital. 

While we cover a broad range of pulmonary disorders, I have developed a particular interest and expertise in pulmonary hypertension which has been lacking in this area. This complex and potentially rapidly fatal disease is greatly misunderstood, often misdiagnosed, and both over and undertreated. Throughout my career, I have developed a passion for diagnosing and treating patients with sleep apnea as well as other pulmonary issues. 

I would like to thank my colleagues, patients, and those that work with me daily for their loyalty and confidence. I am truly grateful.

"Not by power, nor by might but by my spirit." - Book of Zechariah 4:6